My Work




Sounding Data Retrieval & Plotting Tool for Python

SounderPy is an open-source atmospheric science Python package for vertical profile analysis. This tool is designed to get data, ‘clean it up’ for simple use, and plot the data on advanced-sounding plots. SounderPy was developed with the goal in mind to keep the code simple and efficient for users of all experience levels and for reliability in all use cases.

SounderPy has been used by several institutions. For example, this tool has been implemented by the Des Moines National Weather Service Office, the State University of New York at Albany, Mississippi State University, and others. Many have used SounderPy in projects and papers, such as students at Ohio State University, Central Michigan University & Rizal Technological University.

SounderPy is published on PyPi and can be installed via pip:

pip install sounderpy

import sounderpy as spy

clean_data = spy.get_bufkit_data('hrrr', 'kmli', 8, '2023', '03', '31', '12')

spy.build_sounding(clean_data, style='simple', dark_mode=True)

Michigan Tornado Sounding Archive

A library of Michigan tornado vertical environments.

A library of model reanalysis vertical profiles (soundings) that represent near-storm environments of notable Michigan tornado, and significant hail events from 1940-present using RAP/RUC (UCAR) & ERA-5 (ECMWF) reanalysis data. This archive is meant to act as a reference and aid for CMU student forecasters & Michigan operational forecasters in pattern recognition of tornadic & large hail environments in Michigan.

This archive library was originally created by myself for and can also be found on this site, here.

MetPy Advanced Sounding Layout With Complex Layout Example

Code contribution to the Unidata MetPy Python Project

An advanced vertical profile plotter that I created for MetPy’s plotting examples. This example provides MetPy users with a more complex and advanced-sounding analysis tool that uses MetPy calculations and plotting functions.

This can be found here:

SPC Tornado Track Plotter Tool

Example Jupyter Notebook on GitHub

A Jupyter Notebook that provides a modern way to visualize SPC tornado track data on a map. These plots may be useful for case studies or papers. Numerous settings are available to customize the plot.

This notebook is available for download from GitHub.